What is DKIM?
DKIM is a standard for ensuring that emails sent come from a valid sender. It is particularly useful when emails are sent via a third party, such as Lega Online, EduAdmin, or EditNews.
For example, Gmail will display an extra "via ..." text after the sender's name if it cannot verify that the sender is legitimate.
This informs the recipient that the email did not come directly from the stated sender.
This can cause concern for recipients, especially if the email contains sensitive information.
How do we activate DKIM?
Create a new key for your domain as follows:
editnews._domainkey.<your domain> CNAME dkim.editnews.com
Example: If the domain is multinet.se, the following key should be created:
editnews._domainkey.multinet.se CNAME dkim.editnews.com

This signing process allows Gmail and other providers to verify that emails are sent with the domain owner's permission, eliminating the need for the extra "via ..." information.
How to implement DKIM with different providers
Remove the record from your domain's DNS server.
After doing so, recipient servers will no longer be able to verify the key.
How do I remove DKIM if we stop using your services?
Remove the record from your domain's DNS server.
After doing so, recipient servers will no longer be able to verify the key.
Technical details (for the curious)
DKIM works by having our server generate a signature when sending emails on behalf of your domain.
This signature is included in the email and is named editnews.
The recipient's server looks for a key named editnews under "_domainkey" in the sender's domain (your domain).
If it finds a CNAME (as specified above), it will retrieve the actual key from our server to verify the signature.
Since this process happens through your domain, the recipient knows that you have authorized us to send emails using your domain as the sender.